It’s an intriguing issue, why dress in rubber?
First off, I suppose it’s superior to start with what exactly is rubber?
Rubber is a normal substance, created from the sap on the rubber tree. It’s collected, and dealt with, rolled flat into sheets after which “vulcanised” which basicly implies they insert sulphur and Prepare dinner it within an oven!
Why make outfits from it?
Properly, why not! It’s identical to some other content, it could be sewn, but additional possible it’s glued jointly to make garments. The glues utilised are extremely powerful, as sturdy as the fabric it’s bonding jointly. Rubber was once observed as an “underground” material to generate outfits from, for fetishists only seriously, but now it’s having more mainstream, it’s typically Utilized in Movie and TV to both Express “know-how”or “futurism” or simply “fetishism”.
An illustration of rubber getting used in films extensively would be The Matrix Trilogy. The majority of Trinity’s clothes in which was made 야짤 by Reactor Rubberwear ( as a great deal of the Matrix was basically filmed in Australia.
So occur on, why would I dress in it?